Flat Betting Strategy

Flat betting strategy is a useful way to bet on sports, but it can be tricky to understand at first. If you’ve moved beyond the basics of betting, you might wonder how professional bettors make money consistently.

One thing that sets them apart is having a clear plan for what to bet on, how to bet, and how often to bet.  

So, in this article, we explain the main aspects of flat betting.

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What Is Flat Betting?

Flat betting refers to how much money you put on each game, which is your staking structure. Some people do sports betting without any strategy and place different kinds of bets, doubling up after they lose. These random methods don’t have a system and are not suggested.

On the other hand, flat betting means you bet the same amount every time. For example, if your budget is 500€ and you decide to put 5% on each game then it would be 25€ for one bet.

This way of betting keeps a constant and consistent method. If you manage your bets with care and have a solid plan, it’s likely to make money consistently over time in sports betting.

Flat Betting Types

Flat betting is a strategy where the bet size stays the same for every bet made, no matter if you win or lose. Different types of flat betting strategies are often used in many kinds of gambling and investing. Some examples include:

Fixed Percentage Betting

In this method, a set percentage of the total bankroll is betted on every bet. For instance, if someone has €100 as their bankroll and they choose to place 5% of it per each bet; the amount that person would place on stake for each game round will be €5.


Fixed Unit Betting

Instead of using a percentage, you put a fixed amount of money on each bet. For example, if the person chooses to bet €10 per bet, they will always stick to this amount no matter how big or small their bankroll is.

Martingale Betting System (Reverse Martingale)

The martingale is a common betting strategy, in which the person who places bets doubles their stake after every loss with the hope to regain previous losses and end up making profit that is equal to original amount of bet.

In reverse martingale (also called anti-martingale), bettor increases his/her bet following each victory rather than doing so after any defeat.

Labouchère System

This strategy is a bit more complicated. The player first writes down a series of numbers and makes bets based on the total of the first and last numbers in this sequence. If they win, these two numbers are erased from their list; but if they lose, sum of money that was lost gets added to end of their written sequence.

D’Alembert System

In this system, the size of bet increases or decreases by one unit after each win or loss. It is more conservative than Martingale system.

d'alembert system

Paroli System

This kind of betting system is known as a positive progression strategy. In it, after every win, the bettor raises their bet to twice its previous amount. The aim is to amplify profits when experiencing a series of successful outcomes.

Basic Rules of Flat Betting

Flat betting is a simple method to handle your bankroll in gambling. The basic idea is this: You keep making the same bet during the entire gambling time. You can do this by betting an unchanging dollar amount or using a fixed percentage from your complete bankroll – generally, people use 1% to 5%. 

The main idea in flat betting sports is discipline. No matter what happened before, if you won or lost, you keep the same size of your bet. There is no urge to chase losses or continue with winning runs because staying consistent matters more than anything else here. 

This method looks at things over a long period of time and focuses on small but constant wins instead of trying to get big jackpots, making sure that gambling sessions are done in a way that can be kept up for a while.

FAQ About Flat Betting

⭐ What is flat betting?

Flat betting is a strategy where you consistently bet the same amount on every game.

⭐ Why is flat betting advantageous?

Flat betting promotes risk management, discipline, and long-term profitability.

⭐ What are the drawbacks of flat betting?

Flat betting limits profit potential and may not suit those seeking quick returns or excitement.

⭐ Who is flat betting suitable for?

Flat betting is suitable for risk-averse individuals, beginners, and disciplined gamblers.

⭐ Does flat betting consider odds?

No, flat betting treats all bets equally regardless of the odds offered.

Flat Bet System Advantages

Flat betting offers several advantages for gamblers, particularly those focused on responsible betting and long-term success. Here are some key benefits:

Strong Risk Management

This is perhaps the biggest advantage. By betting a fixed amount on sports betting sites, you limit potential losses and avoid putting a significant chunk of your bankroll at risk on any single bet. This helps you stay in the game for the long haul.

Promotes Discipline

Flat betting discourages impulsive decisions fueled by emotions like chasing losses or overspending during winning streaks.  Sticking to a predetermined bet keeps your approach controlled and prevents you from going overboard.


One of the biggest strengths of flat betting is its ease of use. There’s no complex math or analysis involved. You choose a fixed bet size and stick to it. This makes it a great strategy for beginners or those who prefer a straightforward approach.


Focus on Long-Term Profits

Flat betting is a marathon, not a sprint. It prioritizes gradual profit accumulation over a series of bets. This approach encourages a sustainable gambling mindset and avoids the allure of risky bets for potentially large, but unlikely, payouts.

Bankroll Preservation

By keeping bets consistent, you safeguard your bankroll from significant depletion. This ensures you have enough funds to continue placing bets and potentially turn a profit over time.

Flat Bet System Drawbacks

The flat betting system, while offering strong risk management, comes with some drawbacks that you should consider before implementing it:

Limited Profit Potential

Since you bet the same amount every time, you miss out on the chance to capitalize on situations where you have a strong edge or high confidence in a bet. For example, if you typically bet $10 and are highly confident in a particular bet with good odds, you can’t increase your bet to potentially win more.

Slower Growth

Due to the constant bet size, profit accumulation can be slower compared to strategies that adjust bets based on odds or winning streaks. This might be less appealing for gamblers seeking quicker returns.

Less Excitement for Some

The consistent and potentially slow pace of profit accumulation with flat betting can be less exciting for some gamblers who enjoy the thrill of potentially winning big with larger, variable bets.

Doesn’t Account for Odds

Flat betting treats all bets equally, regardless of the odds offered. This can be inefficient  as bets with shorter odds (where the house edge is higher) might not be worth the same risk as bets with longer odds (where you have a better chance of winning).


For Whom Is Flat Betting Suitable?

The usefulness of flat betting will vary based on your gambling objectives and how much risk you are comfortable with. Below is a breakdown to assist you in deciding:

Good fit for

Gamblers who are risk-averse

For people like you, flat betting is excellent. If you want to protect your bankroll and not experience big losses, then having a fixed amount for each bet stops you from going overboard and losing all your funds swiftly.

For Beginners

On one hand, flat betting is very simple to understand and use. You do not require any complicated calculations or analysis. You merely pick a set bet amount and consistently place it every time.

Disciplined gamblers

To avoid impulsive decisions driven by emotions, sticking to a set bet maintains control and stops the temptation to chase losses or overdo it when winning.

Flat betting

This long method of playing the game, also called flat betting, is like running a marathon and not a quick race. It concentrates on adding up profits slowly across some bets. This way suits players who want steady growth instead of making big but less probable winnings.

Less suitable for

Gamblers who desire quick wealth

Flat bets control the amount of money you can win from one bet. Methods that change bets according to odds or previous successes give an option for faster increase but also bring more danger along with them.


For gamblers who love the excitement of possibly winning big with bigger, variable bets, the steady and potentially slow speed of profit growth from flat betting might not be as thrilling.

Gamblers with very small bankrolls

A flat bet strategy might not be ideal for a tiny bankroll, especially during times of losing. Yet, it is important to note that any betting plan holds considerable risk when dealing with such minimal funds.


Flat betting is a clear tactic that involves placing the same bet amount on every game. It supports controlling risk and maintaining discipline, making it a preferred choice for people who want stable profit over time and wish to keep their bankroll steady. 

Yet, this method can limit chances to earn more money and might not be appropriate for those who enjoy variable bets or desire fast returns from gambling.

The fitness of flat betting is reliant on personal gambling aims and risk readiness. It suits people who are cautious about risks, new to the activity or those that can stick to a plan consistently. 

But for persons chasing excitement or with very few funds, it may not be suitable. In general, flat betting gives a steady way into sports gambling by focusing on gathering profits slowly but surely over time.

Dalius Mikalauskas

Sports Betting Expert

Dalius became interested in sports betting at the age of 16, although he could not place bets at that time (bets accepted from the age of 18). However, it was not forbidden to sell betting picks, which is what the author did actively on sports betting forums. Today, he has more than 18 years of experience in sports betting. In school, the auth ..
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