
We would like to clarify for our visitors some of the most common misunderstandings, and we would like to point out a few important things that we want to emphasise to our website visitors.

SmartBettingGuide.com is a free third party affiliate website. We are not affiliated with any casino and do not provide any gambling services.

As an affiliate site, we promote various online casinos and their services. Our content may contain advertising or external links to third party websites. It is important to note that we are not affiliated with any third parties to which our website links and we do not accept any responsibility outside of SmartBettingGuide.

Linking allows us to earn commissions and profits from search engine links and any qualifying activity of visitors to SmartBettingGuide. As a result, we are able to expand the site and improve the quality of the content by providing more objective information about betting companies.

The SmartBettingGuide team is constantly working to bring you the latest information, recommendations, reviews and insights on sporting events, news on crypto companies and everything related to sports betting. Although our team regularly reviews content, we cannot guarantee that all information on our site is 100% accurate and up-to-date.

We are committed to improving your gambling experience and providing you with all useful information, but it is very important to stress that sports betting is also gambling and can carry serious risks and be addictive. No one can ever guarantee that your gambling session will end in profit. We are not responsible for your money wagered on sporting events or other gambling activities.

The SmartBettingGuide team is working hard to raise awareness about responsible gambling. Please always gamble responsibly and only with money you can afford to lose. When the fun ends, you stop #begambleaware.

We value every visitor to our website and your opinion is important to us. If you have any suggestions or ideas on where we could improve, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Dalius Mikalauskas

Sports Betting Expert

Dalius became interested in sports betting at the age of 16, although he could not place bets at that time (bets accepted from the age of 18). However, it was not forbidden to sell betting picks, which is what the author did actively on sports betting forums. Today, he has more than 18 years of experience in sports betting. In school, the auth ..
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