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    Halving of Bitcoin: What Do You Need to Know?

    A key aspect driving Bitcoin’s long-term price development is the halving of Bitcoin. It helps create disinflationary pressure on the cryptocurrency. The following sections offer more details, enabling you to understand Bitcoin halving and its benefits.

    Thanks to the inventiveness of its design, Bitcoin is an industry leader. A number of factors have allowed it to become a famous and popular type, including:

    • Economic inducements paired with advanced cryptography
    • A hard-coded monetary policy
    • An innovative consensus protocol
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    How Does Halving of Bitcoin Work?

    Bitcoin halving occurs automatically and doesn’t depend on a central authority or third party. When transactions take place in the Bitcoin network, they’re stacked into block groups, and miners get rewards for validating transactions successfully.

    For every 210,000 blocks mined, the Bitcoin protocol reduces the reward automatically, which miners earn to half. To date, three BTC halvings have occurred.


    2012, when 210,000 Blocks were Mined

    Bitcoin halving history starts in 2012 year. This was the first Bitcoin halvening process. During this time, there were numerous concerns about Satoshi’s economics, including how it would affect Bitcoin expansion.

    Would it spell the end of the digital cryptocurrency or curb inflation? Some argued that the halving and finite supply events could result in deflation and a reduction in the Bitcoin value. Others believed that it could boost scarcity and Bitcoin halving effect on price may be positive.

    Following the 28th November 2012 halving, which reduced the digital currency’s Bitcoin block halving reward from 50 BTC to 25 BTC, the value of a single coin shot up from £12 to £1,032 in less than a year, an increase of more than 8,500%. A combination of factors was behind this significant increase in value, including:

    • Scarcity perception as a result of the halving event
    • Increasing Bitcoin acceptance as a legitimate cryptocurrency type
    • Ever-growing demand from speculators and investors

    The reduced block reward also showed that fewer Bitcoins were being manufactured, further contributing to the increase in Bitcoin value. In 2012, 120,000 blocks were already mined, and half of the 10.5 million coins in circulation had been released.

    2016, when 420,000 Blocks were Mined

    The digital crypto community enthusiastically anticipated the second time Bitcoin halving date. Additionally, Bitcoin was significantly gaining popularity and acceptance among investors, leading to a short-time value increase before the 9th July halving Bitcoin date.

    The Bitcoin block reward halving was cut in half on this data. It was the second time in history once the 420,000th block was attained. The digital currency was trading at about £651, during this time.

    The cryptocurrency experienced a free fall some weeks after halving. But this was a pause prior to an exponential increase when the value of a single coin attained an all-time high of £20,089,526 a few days after halving.

    2020, when 630,000 Blocks were Mined

    While the coronavirus caused the value of the cryptocurrency to crash in March, Satoshi’s economics proved to be remarkable. The value of Bitcoin has been increasing since then.

    On 11th May, at the 630,000th block, the reward was cut in half and during this time, the cryptocurrency was trading for approximately £8,780 a coin. A year, and six months later, the cryptocurrency reached a high of approximately £66,000.

    The Next and 4th Bitcoin Halving Event

    Once miners attain the 840,000th block, the Bitcoin next halving event will occur, which is set to be on 13th April 2024. This is when block rewards are expected to be cut in half to about 3.125 BTC. The reduction rate is projected to be from 6.25 to 3.125 BTC.

    The Effects of Bitcoin Halving 

    The three previous halving Bitcoin events have been strongly associated with an increase in value and this is because the reduced new digital coin creation rate causes scarcity, increasing demand and value.

    It’s vital to keep in mind that a variety of factors influence market dynamics, making price movement a complicated process. 


    A closer look at the previous three BTC halving events indicates that a significant value increase usually starts after between six and twelve months. Before a halving event, Bitcoin price tends to increase as investors anticipate a value rally post-halving.

    If you are considering investing in Bitcoin, it would be helpful to read Bitcoin price prediction

    What exactly is Bitcoin Halving?

    Bitcoin halving is a unique condition, comprehensively defined within Bitcoin’s protocol. It requires the crypto’s block to be divided equally, increasing the chances of boosting the cryptocurrency’s value.

    It’s important to understand what it is as well as how it affects the digital currency’s price. Understanding Bitcoin is crucial whether you’re a pro investor or a newbie, and here are some important takeaways:

    ✔️ Block rewards halving takes place automatically once a given number of blocks has been mined.

    ✔️ Bitcoin halving started in 2012, the second one took place in 2016, and the third one occurred in 2020.

    ✔️ The next halving BTC event will take place in the middle of April 2024.

    ✔️ A Bitcoin halving event involves the risk of miners being less incentivised to mine the cryptocurrency.

    ✔️ The main goal of Bitcoin halving is to minimise the number of new digital coins entering the network.


    ⭐ What is Bitcoin halving?

    Bitcoin halving is a process that reduces the rate at which new bitcoins are created, occurring approximately every four years.

    ⭐ Why does Bitcoin halving happen?

    To control the supply of Bitcoin and maintain scarcity, mimicking the scarcity of precious metals like gold.

    ⭐ What impact does halving have on Bitcoin's price?

    Historically, it has led to increased price volatility, with potential for both short-term spikes and long-term value appreciation.

    ⭐ How does halving affect miners?

    It reduces the reward miners receive for validating transactions, impacting their profitability.

    ⭐ What is the significance of the 210,000 blocks in the halving Bitcoin?

    It represents the approximately four-year cycle in which the total supply of Bitcoin is halved.

    ⭐ What is commonly referred to as the "Bitcoin half"?

    The “Bitcoin half” often refers to the halvening Bitcoin event.

    ⭐ What potential impact does the Bitcoin halving event have on the cryptocurrency market?

    The Bitcoin halving event is anticipated to trigger a supply shock, potentially driving Bitcoin’s trajectory upwards. This insight aligns with Brad Garlinghouse’s analysis, as he highlights the significance of the halving in the broader market’s growth projections.

    Bitcoin Halving in Details

    Miners who’re individuals use computers that provide solutions to mathematical problems to develop new blocks, allow new coins to circulate, and get rewards for their efforts. The first block reward for miners within the Bitcoin network was 50 BTC. 

    This recompense has been reduced continuously over time due to a unique halving provision in the code of the cryptocurrency. While the Bitcoin halving dates aren’t guaranteed fixtures on the calendar, they’re consistent.


    The provision states that the digital currency’s block reward should be cut in half permanently, approximately every 210,000 blocks. Or after every four years. This is done to control the amount of new digital coins entering the Bitcoin Network.

    Currently fixed at 21 million coins, Bitcoin supply and this amount are based on computations you can access in the cryptocurrency’s whitepaper.

    Once miners generate the 21 million bitcoins in the Bitcoin network, the finite amount of bitcoins that’ll ever be used has been achieved, and no additional bitcoins can be manufactured.

    If you are well invested in Bitcoin, consider betting on Bitcoin. The first step is to choose one of the best crypto betting sites.

    Final Thoughts: Is Halving Bad or Good?

    Bitcoin halving has already proven to be good. It’s one of the key economics enticing investors to invest in this cryptocurrency. While fiat currencies are bound to be inflationary due to their ever-growing supply, Bitcoin is capped at a maximum distribution. 

    That means the halving process minimises its rate of inflation. Halving of Bitcoin is considered an excellent economic model. The primary reason behind this is that it triggers disinflationary pressure on the cryptocurrency. And this enables it to increase in value.

    Yana Levkovich

    Crypto Analyst

    Yana is an expert with a deep understanding of cryptocurrency more than 7+ years. Covering everything from traditional technology to blockchain tech and decentralized finance (DeFi). Her expertise extends to tasks like white paper creation and tokenomics consultancy. She advises companies seeking success in the cryptocurrency industry, so sh ..
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